Pocket friendly tariff
Indeed, in Bandung today many emerging star hotels of international standard. However, the city also has many inns or hotels in the pocket friendly tariffs. How to find cheap lodging is certainly need a strategy. One of them, do not merely think to look for lodgings in the city center on the grounds close to the shopping spots.
Hotels or inns in the area of Jalan Riau, Dago, Pasteur, or Setiabudi of course expensive, especially at weekends. In the South there are many inns that charge is not as high as the sky. For example in Road Warrior or Laswi Students, Talaga Bodas, and Stone Fruit. If downtown rates ranging from 1 million to the top, in the area ranged from 300 thousand to 700 thousand.
Stay Easy Access
No need to worry about access. The area is accessible through the door Tol Buah Batu. Many of the fashion and culinary shopping there. To go to the city center can be reached by a relatively short time. In the area of Central Jakarta, precisely in around Jalan Pahlawan, can also be found hotels with relatively the same price. Conditions are similar to the inn in the southern region. This area can be accessed through the door Tol Pasteur.
In the area of Lembang is still a lot of lodgings that the charge is not expensive. Inn-lodging in the area are quite comfortable although in terms of facilities certainly can not be compared with the five-star hotel. The most important factor to stay in cheap lodging of security. If you are carrying valuables, it is lovely when the shopping center, not left in a hotel room.
Along with business development pelesiran increasing, the number of lodging and more varied. Almost in every corner of the city of Bandung there are hotels with a wide range of facilities and grade level.
Various Specialty Classes
For those of you who expect first class service, not to worry. Bandung provides five-star facilities, equivalent to a hotel in Jakarta and other big cities. There was a Hyatt, Horizon, Santika, Accor Group, Novotel and many more. The facilities provided were exactly the same as that given similar hotels in other cities. About the price, certainly not a problem for this class of tourists.
Bandung also provide lodging for tourists and middle-class. In addition to 4 and 5 star hotel, a city famous for its factory outlet also has many 3 star hotels, 2 and grade jasmine. Almost every major streets, there's always the hotel making it easier for the tourists.
About the service is not much different from the first-class hotel on it. According to the price offered. If the smart choice, it is not likely to get accommodation or four star class, but at a price far below.
How about the tight-pocketed tourists or backpackers saving classmates? Bandung is also a comfortable place for them.
There are scattered lodgings and guesthouses that can be used by this class of tourists. In fact, the tourists are keen to get lodgings are very comfortable with a much lower price. The average under Rp300.000 a night guesthouse or hotel owned by local governments or state-owned enterprises or other institutions, deserve a choice. The location was not just in one place but spread throughout Bandung.
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